Which hurts, fears or frustrations brought you to this page? Some situation in your life is causing pressure and concern. Life has its ups and downs, but sometimes you may feel stuck or burdened with an overwhelming problem.

In those moments, it is wise to seek individual counseling. All of us have hit roadblocks to progress in our personal lives. You can get help from what is holding you back and preventing you from having the abundant life that Jesus wants you to have.

In difficult times, you can be strengthened and affirmed by seeking a compassionate ear. A third-party, objective perspective can help you sort out truth from fiction. With this type of help, you can get a broader view of your problem and find a solution.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at

At Glendale Christian Counseling, we are a group of Christian counselors committed to helping you navigate life’s trials. God promises to work all things together for your good as you live a life of faith. Sometimes you need help seeing how the bad things that happen will lead to personal growth. That’s where we can help you.

Do not face your problems on your own. Take courage in the Lord and try individual counseling in Glendale, California. We are here to walk through the valley with you and help you find the light on the other side.

The caring counselors in Glendale will provide faith-based guidance for you. Using principles found in God’s Word, we will affirm your hurts, help you look at the problems from different angles, and encourage you to move forward with greater faith.

When you’re ready to talk, we are here for you. You don’t have to simply trudge through your trials alone. You can thrive with hope when a Christian counselor walks beside you.

Contact us at Glendale Christian Counseling for a risk-free initial session.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at