Is your teen suffering from major mood swings, rebellion, withdrawal, and/or a lack of communication with you? Do not simply brush away signs like these as normal teenage behaviors. Many teens can benefit from compassionate Christian counseling, especially during difficult seasons of transition.

Teens are under more pressure than ever to succeed at home, school, sports, and social situations. When a significant change occurs, your teen may crumble under the additional pressure and start acting out. Thankfully, the counselors at Christian Counseling Glendale have experience helping teens overcome life problems.

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You may assume that since your teen isn’t a little child anymore, he or she can handle the transitions after moving, loss of a loved one, or divorce. Yet teens’ brains are still growing and developing, and they can easily become overwhelmed by stresses like these. Your teen may greatly benefit from talk therapy with a compassionate counselor.

Parents often see one of two extremes in their teens: anger and rebellion, or withdrawal and depression. Both extremes are dangerous for your teen’s mental and emotional health. With a counselor’s help, your teen can learn to process difficult situations with more self-control.

When your teen was younger, you may have been the first person he or she turned to when hurt, afraid, or confused. Don’t be discouraged if you are not your teen’s first recourse. We can help build a bridge between you and your teen with our objective, professional perspective.

Whether your teen needs help with anxiety, depression, anger management, self-harm, or substance abuse, we can provide qualified and compassionate care. We also help teens navigate family conflicts, self-esteem problems, eating disorders, and behavioral disorders. With our help, your teen can thrive once again.

Contact us today at Christian Counseling Glendale to set up your teen’s counseling session.

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